January 28, 2025
Today is a White Day.
The add/drop deadline for changing classes for this semester ends Friday. Be sure to come to
the guidance office if you want to change, add or drop a class.
CHS robotics club will meet Tuesday Jan 28th in room B5 starting at 3 pm, The robotics club is
always looking for new members so if you are interested please see Mr. Sprague or stop by one
of our meetings.
CHS Chess club will meet on Wednesday Jan 29th in room B5 starting at 3 pm. Chess club is
always looking for new members, even if you have never played chess, see Mr Sprague or stop
by one of our meetings.
The Math Team is reminded that there is a meet this Wednesday and they will be leaving school
early at 2:00pm
There will be a meeting of the student council on Thursday, January 30, at 7:30 am in C3.
Good luck today to the Freshman and Sophomores as they begin our CHS Connect for Success
Volleyball tournament during AES.
Have a great day!