Special Services
Regional School Unit 64 seeks to ensure that all children within its jurisdiction who are school-age, five through the school year in which they turn 20, and who are in need of special education and supportive assistance are identified, located, and evaluated. RSU 64’s Child Find responsibility shall be accomplished through a unit-wide process, which, while not a definitive judgment of a student’s capabilities or disability, is a possible indicator of special education needs.
If the Child Find process indicates that a student may require special education and supportive services in order to benefit from regular education, the student shall be referred to the IEP team to determine the student’s eligibility for special education services. Final identification of students with disabilities and programming for such students occurs only after an appropriate evaluation and a determination by the IEP Team.
School staff, parents, or agency representatives or other individuals with knowledge of the child may refer children to the IEP team if they believe that the student, because of a disability, may be in need of special education and supportive services in order to benefit from regular education.
If you suspect your child has a disability and may need special education services or 504 accommodations, or if you would like additional information, please contact your child’s teacher, or call the District’s Director of Special Education and Section 504 Coordinator, Riley Donovan at (207) 285-4341.