Red Devils Events of the week:
Monday 12/9 - Boys Basketball vs. M.A. 5/6:30 PM
Tuesday 12/10 - Girls Basketball @ M.A. 5/6:30 PM, Bus 3:00 PM
- UMO IT Practise 4:30 - 6:00 PM, Bus 3:30 PM
Wednesday 12/11 - Boys Basketball @ Dexter 5/6:30 PM, Bus 3:00 PM
Thursday 12/12 - UMO IT Practice 4:30-6:00 PM, Bus 3:30 PM
- Winter Concert and Art Show 6:30 PM
Friday 12/13 - Christmas For Kids Celebrations.
Saturday 12/14 - IT meet @ UMO 4:40 PM, Bus 3:00 PM