CHS Announcments

September 16, 2024

Today is a White Day.

School photo day will be on Tuesday, September 24th. Picture packets will be handed out

before then if you would like to place and order.

Central High School Robotics club will meet on Tuesday Sept 17th in room B5 starting at 3pm.

Signups are still being accepted. For more information see Mr. Sprague.

Central High School Chess Club will meet on Wednesday Sept 18th in room B5 starting at 3pm.

Signups are still being accepted. For more information see Mr. Sprague.

If you would like to bring a guest from another school to the Homecoming Dance, there is a sign

up sheet in the main office.

Dress-Up Days for Homecoming next week will be as follows:

Tuesday, September 17 - Twin Day

Wednesday, September 18 - 80’s Day

Thursday, September 19 - Mathlete vs. Athlete

Friday, September 20 - Class Colors*

*Freshman-Yellow, Sophomores-Green, Juniors-Blue, Seniors-Red

Come join in the fun of homecoming and bring your spirit! Friday Sept.20th there will be a Cross

Country Meet @ 4:00pm, and then a Street Dance & Bonfire from 6:00pm - 9:00pm. Admission

to the dance is $5.00. On Saturday Sept. 21st come participate in the 9:00am parade which will

line up on Bradbury Drive. The parade will take off at 9:00am and end at the Old Morison

School. After the parade enjoy PeeWee Cheer @ 9:30am, Boys Soccer @ 11:00am, and Girls

Soccer @ 1:00pm. Concessions will be open throughout all events!