
Announcements 3/7/22

– Intramurals will be volleyball Tuesday and Thursday, please come prepared with appropriate clothing and footwear. Wednesday will be snowshoeing, please come prepared with boots, hats, jacket and gloves.

– Outdoor Adventure Club will be meeting Tuesday March 8th after school, please dress accordingly. 

– Chess Club will meet after school on TUESDAY of this week in room 103. If you plan to go to the Chess tournament this Saturday, please attend.

– Students please bring your laptops to school charged and ready for the day.

– Please do not put chewed gum on the lunch trays, throw it away in the trash.

-- We have many items in our lost and found located in the lobby, please stop to see if any of the items belong to you or someone you may know.

– Please bring in a water bottle to use throughout the day. 


Thank you and have a great day!