Athletics Eligibility Policy
Consistent with the ‘Extra-Curricular Participation’ requirements outlined in the Student Handbook under the ‘Academic Information’ section, students who did not demonstrate proficiency in all content areas for the previous quarter (even if the previous quarter was in the preceding school year) will not be allowed to participate in sports until grades have been issued for the next quarter. Students who fail more than one academic class in a quarter, will not be eligible to participate in any activities until the next quarter grades have been reviewed and it is determined they are eligible. Students who fail more that one academic class for the fourth quarter, will not be allowed to participate in first quarter activities during the following school year.
Students who are participating in any school-sponsored after-school activities must be at school by 8:00 a.m. in order to participate in the activity. If a student arrives after that time and presents an appointment card from a doctor or dentist, this will be recorded as an excused tardy and participation in a practice or game will not be affected. Extenuating circumstances will be approved in advance by the building principal or athletic director.