Title IA
Title IA ensures that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high quality education and reach, at a minimum, proficiency on Maine’s Learning Results/Common Core State Standards.
RSU 64 uses these dollars to fund two full-time Reading Recovery® teachers and several educational technicians to help in Grades K-5 so that individual, specific instruction, will assure achievement of all children to high standards. Money is also used to support professional development for both professional and paraprofessional staff, as well as to purchase materials, books, hardware, and software to support the learning needs of individual students. Title IA funds are also used to operate summer school for Grades K-5 students, as well as teacher-referred students, in need of continued support. Central Community Elementary School will be a Schoolwide Title IA program beginning in the fall of 2018 as opposed to a Targeted Assistance program. In the past, students were identified for a targeted need and those students worked with staff paid for with Title IA funds. Beginning in 2018, all students are eligible to receive small group assistance and all staff can benefit from teaching materials designed to support students in their learning journey.
A General Education Initiative or pre-referral system for early identification has been in place since June 2012. This year there are several new interventions for students K-12. Check with your child’s principal for details.
A Parent Advisory Committee meets annually to review a Title IA policy and to seek input about training and/or information needed to help extend and reinforce your child’s learning and achievement. If you would like to join, please call Monica Sabine, the Curriculum Coordinator at 285-3334.
Each school will be reviewing the Parent/School/Community Compacts this school year. If you would like to participate, please call the school.